
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Floating Stumbleupon, Digg, Twitter, Plus One and Facebook Share button with counters

Why You must add This?

Floating social media widget Digg And plus One are Social bookmarking sites. So with Digg, you can become top of the search engine results for the keywords That you can't get with your blog. because Digg has a top PR.when many people suggest your blog by digging, It will be on top. 
Plus one is another Important thing to suggest your blog to others, specially It's a Google program. That's why this become so important.when you get more +1s it means your page that contains them will be suggest to others by Google. 
When talking about Facebook Share button. I think i don't have to describe about it. It's so important to get more visitors (Traffic) Twitter is same.

Why its floating ?

It's floating because readers will get it easily. If you have added buttons to the top of the page, readers won't click them because they haven't read the article yet.Also if it's in bottom your readers will in a hurry to check your post out or to get rid of the blog (If it's boring). 

How to add This

First copy the following code. 

#floatdiv {


#mbtsidebar {
        border-top:1px solid #ddd;
        border-left:1px solid #ddd;
        border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;
        margin:0 0 0 5px;

.fb_share_count_top {width:52px !important;}

.fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}

.FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:52px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;/*bs-fsmsb*/-webkit-border-radius:3px;}

.FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;}

<div id="floatdiv">
<div id="mbtsidebar">
    <table cellpadding="1px" cellspacing="0">

    <td style="padding:5px 0px 0px 0;">
<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="CCrazyStream">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <td style="padding:5px 0 2px 0;">
    <a name="fb_share" type="box_count" href="">Share</a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <td style=" padding:5px 0px 0px 0px;">

<g:plusone size="Tall" expr:href="data:post.url">
<td style=" padding:5px 0px 2px 0px;">
<script src=""></script>

<td style=" padding:5px 0px 2px 0px;">
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT'), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0];
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
s.src = '';
s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1);
<a class="DiggThisButton DiggMedium"></a>
<p style=" line-height:0px; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"><a style="color:#D3D3D3;" href="">Get This</a></p>

Then place the code as a "HTML/Java Script" Widget in your blog. 

 If you haven't used +1 button before, you have to put this code just above the </head> tag. 

<script src='' type='text/javascript'> {lang: &#39;en-US&#39;} </script>
Now you are done.

How to edit this.

Sometimes. The widget will be miss placed. It depend on your blog width. So you can move it Horizontally by changing the value of "70px

Change this colors to match with your blog.

1. Background »     ":#fff"
2.Border»     "#ddd"

Also change "CCrazyStream" to your twitter username.

You can make this widget only appear in posts. by simple making this change.
First, go to. Template » Edit HTML

and search for your widget ID or Title, then you will find something like this

<b:widget id=WIDGET-ID' locked='false' title='WIDGET-TITLE'  type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
(widget code will be here)
</b:includable> </b:widget>
Then make this changes on it. 

<b:widget id=WIDGET-ID' locked='false' title='WIDGET-TITLE'  type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
(widget code will be here)
</b:includable> </b:widget>


New Stumbleupon button Added! I didn't add it before because of the button style isn't fit with others. But, It's a Important one with building traffic...... If you already using the widget please replace the code with new one! 

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Make a Fan page with RSS feeds for a blog (Facebook))

A fan page

A face book fan page is like a profile of you blog. And it's an another great method increase you blog traffic. Lets see how! 

  1. Someone click "Like" 
  2. His friends see it
  3. He click "like"
  4. His friends see it
  5. It continuous

1.Some one see your blog and He get interested about it. Then he'll click like on your fan page.
2.Then It will posted on his wall and his friends can see it. They'll check it too.
3. If His friends got interested, they will click like.
4.Again, as above friends of the friends.
5.It will continue.

It's up to you to make your blog interesting. 

How to make a fan page

First go to Facebook pages I admin then Click "+Create a page" and choose the option "Artist, Band or Public Figure"
Then select the roll as Author. And type the name of your blog in the name field.After you are done click "Get Started" 
Don't forget to upload a full size profile picture (540 x 180) 
Then invite your friends to like your page and share it on your wall.
Set the basic information. Now you have created a  basic page.

Add blog RSS feeds to it.

In the page, click Edit page button
facebook edit page
you will see lot of options.. Don't forget to fill them later. But let's add your RSS first
select the "Apps" tab at the sidebar.  Then click the go to App link in the Note section (as in the picture)

fan page app section

Then you will see a link at the bottom of the right sidebar, saying "Edit import settings" at the subscribe section. Click it and add your blog's post RSS URL there. Add a tik to the check box and click Start importing.

How simple!! you are done with it. now all of your posts will be added to your page as notes. And new post will be there too.this post is copied only for knowledge purpose main auther is

Coin Melt Through Paper Trick

Easy coin vanish sleight of hand that when mastered will allow you to perform lots of amazing magic and magician coin tricks
Coin Melt Coin Trick
Challenge a friend to pass a 20 cent coin through a piece of paper with a 5 cent hole in it … without tearing the paper! When their frustration reaches a satisfactory level, show them how it's done. This trick is shown using a UK 2 pence and 10 pence coin which will work equally as well.
Ripper Coin Trick
Square of paper shown with hole cut to size of small coin.

1. Cut a square piece of paper. Trace around a five cent coin and carefully cut out the circle.

It will be obvious to your victim that the 20 cent coin is much larger than the 5 cent hole but let them try before going on.

Paper is folded in half and the large coin placed inside.

2. Fold the paper in half and drop the 20 cent coin into the hole.

Paper is bent as shown to allow the larger coin to pass through the hole in the paper.

3. Bend the paper like this by pushing the ends of the folded paper towards each other and the coin will fall through the hole without tearing the paper.

What's going on?

This simple trick is a real stumper because most people assume the paper needs to stretch to make the hole bigger. You can't stretch paper so they either give up, or tear the paper and go red in the face. But a simple fold and a neat little bend makes the hole big enough for the 20 cent coin to slip through. The solution is pretty obvious once you've seen it so to get most enjoyment from this trick, use it to irritate your mates!.
this post is copied only for share knowledge purpose the main auther is

Burn a CD on Windows XP without using software

Burn a CD on Windows XP without using software

Windows XP comes with a builtin CD-copy feature that not many people are aware of. Although almost everyone has his/her favorite CD-copy software to stick with, it is still good to know about this CDR feature from Windows XP. You will find it very useful when you come to another PC that doesn't have a CD-copy software, and you can't just install your favorite software to it. With this feature, you can write some data or MP3 files to a CD/DVD, or erase a re-writable CD/DVD.
If you're using a Re-Writable CD (CD-RW), make sure the disc is blank. You might need to erase (or "format") it before use. For information how to erase a CD-RW on Windows XP without using any other software, see this article
Requirements: You need to enable the CD-R feature on Windows XP. If you haven't done so, see this article.

  1. Insert a Formated-ReWritable CD or a Recordable (CD-R) disc into the CD drive.
  2. From Desktop, double-click on "My Computer".
  3. Navigate to the files/folders you want to copy to CD. Select them and press "Ctrl-c" to copy.
  4. Browse back to the CD-ROM, and press "Ctrl-V" to paste. The files/folders will show up as temporary files/folders at this time.

  5. On the left panel, select "Write these files to CD".

  6. The window "CD Writing Wizard" appears with the default CD name. Change the CD name if you wish, then click "Next".

  7. The "CD Writing Wizard" starts to write files/folders to the CD:

  8. Once the writing process is complete, the wizard will disappear and the CD-Rom will be ejected.this article is copied only for knowledge the main auther is

Card Snap Change Trick

Learn this amazing snap change sleight where you change a card in the blink of an eye, right in front of your spectator. Visually amazing trick
The card snap change trick is a stunning card sleight which is relatively easy to learn. It requires a little practice to bring it up to speed and to polish your performance but the time invested is well worth it as it looks amazing and can really impress your audience.

A card is clearly shown to your spectator. The card suddenly changes into a completely different card right under their nose.
This looks stunning and beyond explanation as the card was right in front of them all the time.
Learn how to do this cool magic trick by watching the free magic trick video tutorial on this page. It shows the trick being performed which is followed by the method to perform the trick.
This great sleight requires only a deck of cards and is a useful sleight in close up magic and street magic.
The sleight can also be incorporated into many other illusions.
If you enjoy magic tricks such as those performed by great street magicians such as Dynamo and David Blaine then this will give you a very small slice of magic instruction to get you started. Magic is both great to watch and can also make a fun and interesting hobby.

Making Money online -Part two

21-Start a link building/SEO business, helping website increase their ranks in the search engines
22-Build a private job board where you individually connect job seekers with employers

Social Media

23-Build a Facebook application like Farmville or Mafia Wars
24-Create something that interacts with Twitter in a cool way
25.Use Facebook and Twitter to build a large following, then sell them something
26-Join a MLM company and promote this to the following you created above

Coding & Development

27-Become a freelance web designer and enter contests on
28-Become a freelance designer or developer and offer your services on
29-Become a coding ninja and contract your services to high-value clients for $100/hour
30-Build a business around designing something other than websites: logos, banner ads, etc.
31-Create premium WordPress templates and setup a website to sell them
32-Create free WordPress templates and sell links in the footer (somewhat shady)
33-Create website templates and setup a website to sell them
34-Hire a team of Indians/Filipinos to do web work and resell this for a 5x markup
35-Create a traditional downloadable computer program/game and sell this


36-Buy things at local garage sales and sell them on eBay
37-Dig through your basement to find items you can sell on eBay
38-Help your friends/family/neighbors sell things on eBay for a fee
39-Start an e-commerce website and sell things that you make yourself
40-Start an e-commerce website and sell items via drop shipping

Ways of making money online - Part one


Website Flipping
1. Build something new or creative, get some momentum, and then sell it on
2. Create a niche website template, write 20 articles on the topic, and sell 10 copies in a forum.
3. Get your startup bought out by Google for $100 million.
4. Help other people do the above - broker websites for a commission, just like a real estate agent.
5. Buying and selling domain names, there is an entire market at
6. Look at what sold on and build a clone of this.

Website Ownership

7. Build a niche site on your favorite topic and promote affiliate products and/or PPC Ads
8.Start a forum on your favorite topic and sell advertising
9.Start a forum on your favorite topic and sell premium memberships
10. Build a review site in a specific niche, something that reviews products with affiliate links
11. Create a network of 100 simple Adsense sites that each generate $2/day

Email Lists

12. Create a weekly newsletter on your favorite topic and change a monthly subscription fee
13. Create a weekly newsletter on your favorite topic and give it away with advertisements
14. Give away a free report after capturing emails, then promote affiliate products every month
15. Create a newsletter for your area and get local businesses to sponsor it
16. Build a list that sends a daily coupon/deal, charge companies to advertise their coupoun


17.Become an ad broker, helping to connect advertisers with publishers for a commission
18.Buy PPC ads on a cheaper network and direct them to a page with higher-value clicks (Adsense)
19.Buy traffic from Adwords and send visitors directly to a ClickBank(I will talk about this later)Affiliate product

Monday, 29 October 2012

SEO tools : Spy on your competitors - Increase traffic to your blog or website

Want to know the top keywords your competitors are ranking for? SEM Rush (in-depth review here) lets you look at what keywords competitors are ranking for, estimates how much traffic those keywords sends, and provides estimated click values.
If you have a brand new site then researching the competition early can be a great way to see some great keywords you should target as well.
We worked with SEM Rush to offer our users a free 2-week trial, with no credit card required to sign hurry up ...