
Saturday, 29 December 2012

Make Money with Blogger (Automatically)

Make Money with Blogger (Automatically)

Dear friends,

Very good morning!

I sent an email to everyone on my list, to talk about a secret ...

I want to teach the three powerful tools that will enable them to generate a lot of money with Blogger (or WordPress)
  1. SuperAutoBlogger: Software to automate many blogs and make money automatically.
    If you still do not understand, you must see this video
  2. BookmarkingDemon: The best software to generate hundreds of backlinks to your blog.
    For more information, click here.

I'm making money, with the use of these tools ... that is why I highly recommend!

I hope you can understand me ...

If I can, you can!


PS: I've thought better...
PS: This does not have to be a secret, we all have a right to know this ...
PS: Please share this simple blog with your friends!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

The Art (And Science) Of Building A Link Profile

Guest Post - Our host is Matt Foden, Matt explains new link building as an art and science.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.
With the myriad of recent changes to Google's algorithm it can seem very difficult to navigate yourself through the stormy waters of Search Marketing nowadays. Recent Penguin and Panda updates have turned previously accepted SEO practices on their head.

For example, the once widely accepted technique of using exact match domains to target specific keywords has now been targeted and devalued by the search engine. It has to be said, though, that this particular change has been on the cards for some time, and actually does make a lot of sense. It's another fairly recent update that I want to focus on in this post, however, an update that penalised sites that were too reliant on keyword anchor text links. I’ll explore our real life experiences in this area and offer some practical advice that you can apply to your own sites.

Wild West SEO

Let's start with the basics. In the old 'Wild West' days of SEO if you wanted to rank for a particular keyword all you had to do was stuff the page in question with your target keyword (as well as your meta title and description), and then build backlinks with the keyword as the anchor text. This pretty much guaranteed success, as long as you put the work in. Fast forward to today, and the days of such cowboy SEO practices are pretty much over - the Wild West has been tamed by Sheriff Google. Indeed, a lot of sites that have a high percentage of keyword anchor text links in their profile have dropped considerably in the rankings. One of my early sites, an affiliate site promoting photographic products literally dropped from the rankings overnight. Upon further analysis I identified that 70% of the links used keyword based anchor text - a percentage that is way too high, and consequently unnatural in its appearance to Google.

Fortunately, my more recent sites were built on a much firmer foundation of predominantly brand-based links, and hence they have flourished. But what exactly should you do if you find that one of your sites has been affected in a similar way?

A Natural Link Profile

The first thing to do is remain calm. Put yourself in Google's position and really think about what they want to see in a link profile - a natural profile is one that appears organic, one that has grown and developed over time and has a wide variety of link types, from a diverse pool of domains. A natural link profile would also feature a fairly high percentage of brand links, and (horror of horrors) even a few mundane 'click here' links. What a natural profile wouldn't feature is tons and tons of artificially manipulated keyword anchor text links. When we carry out link building work for our clients we generally build at least 70% as brand links, i.e. those that are brand names, the site URL or variations of these.

 In numerous experiments published online the sites that have benefited most from recent algo changes are those that have 80%+ brand links in their link profile. I’m not saying you shouldn't build keyword based anchor text links, just that these should be a small percentage of your overall profile. So, if your site has suffered from having too many keyword rich anchor text links, you need to build a more balanced link profile. Focus predominantly on building brand links, and get these from diverse, quality sources such as guest blog posts for example. It can take a long time for your site to recover from such a penalty, but if you work patiently at 'correcting' your link profile you have every chance at making it.

Google Disavow Tool

If upon further analysis you find that you have some questionable backlinks in your profile, you may improve your chances of recovery by removing the links in question. First of all, try to contact the relevant webmasters with a personalised link removal request. If this doesn’t work you can utilise Google’s new ‘Disavow tool’ at:

Another tip that has worked well for clients is building a small percentage of 'hybrid' anchor links. These combine your brand name with the keywords you are targeting. For example, let's say that you are an electrician based in London and your company name is 'Smith & Sons Electricians'. You could then build a hybrid link such as 'Smith & Sons- London Electricians'. This is a much more balanced way of weaving in elements of your target keywords to your link profile.

To sum up then- make sure you think about your link profile carefully, and ensure that is built upon diverse, natural, quality foundations with a natural balance of brand and keyword based anchor links. Above all, be patient!

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Cool New Christmas Snow Storm Effect For Blogger Blogs

Over the last few years I have tried to help you get your blogs into the Christmas spirit with some neat Christmas themed gadgets.The most popular and simple of these have been the Snow Fall effects we have published.Some code added to your blog can transform the look of your site as over the Christmas period visitors are greeted with snow falling gently down the page.
This year is no different as I have a new Christmas snow effect but this time it's a snow storm with the direction of the snow fall dictated by your cursor movements.Check out the demo below then you can add it to your blog using our one click Blogger button.

View Demo Button
Before you add this to your blog make sure to check out our Basic Snow Fall Effect, Color snow effect works well on blogs with white backgrounds and theMerry Christmas Banner.

Add The Snow Storm Effect To Your Blog

Simply click the add to blogger button below, on the next page select your blog and click add widget.

That's it you now have a neat seasonal look on your blog.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Decoration Social Bookmarking Gadget For Blogger Blogs

In the past I have written a few tutorials on different styles of the share this social bookmark egg.Today just in time for Christmas I have a Christmas version.A cool Christmas ornament sits on the corner of your blog with social bookmarking options for readers.On hover the ornament slides open with share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Email and the ShareThis button that offers even more options.Check out the demo below :
View Demo Button
OK if that's something you want to greet your visitors this Christmas heres the tutorial.

Add The Christmas Bookmark Gadget To Your Blog

Remember Always Back Up Your Template Before You Make Changes - How To Back Up A Blogger Template

Step 1. In The New Blogger Dashboard Click The Drop Down Menu For Your blog And Choose > Template > Under your blogs screenshot choose "Edit Html" > Then Proceed, as shown in the video below.

Step 2. Find the following piece of code in your blogs Html : (Click Ctrl and F for a search bar to help find the code - How To Find Code In Blogger Template Template)


Step 3. Copy and Paste the following code Directly Above / Before </head>

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher: "bea50586-2b9f-448d-947a-01385f28e305", onhover:false});</script>
<link media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>

Step 4. Find the following piece of code in your blogs Html : (Click Ctrl and F for a search bar to help find the code - How To Find Code In Blogger Template Template)


Step 5. Now Copy And Paste This Code Directly Above / Before </body>

<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 2%; left: 2%;'><div id='shareThisOrnament' class='shareEgg'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>stlib.shareEgg.createEgg('shareThisOrnament', ['facebook','twitter','googleplus','pinterest','stumbleupon','linkedin','email','sharethis'], {title:&#39; <data:blog.pageTitle/>&#39;,url:&#39;<data:blog.url/>&#39;,theme:'holiday'});</script>
</div><a href="">Blogger Wordpress Tips</a><!-- End Christmas Share Code From -->

Saturday, 22 December 2012

5 Steps To Creating A Successful YouTube Channel

Guest Post - Our host is Josiah, in this post has some great tips for a successful YouTube channel.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.
A significant amount of traffic that flows throughout the Internet every year is by users watching YouTube videos. has led to an enormous success for many people. Users came along, had an idea and made it happen. Whether the idea was to upload video game play, cooking recipes or even hair and make-up tutorials, users all over the world are thriving using YouTube. Many Bloggers have also managed to harness the power of YouTube adding video content to their blogs.This not only gives readers a fresh way to view the blog but also attracts traffic directly from YouTube. You may be thinking of starting a channel of your own soon. These steps will ensure that you take the right approach and stay on a path that will lead you to success.

The Vision

What is your channel going to be about? You can bet that there are already channels on the subject you have in-mind. It’s important to think of an angle, a unique twist that will make your channel different and offer something more unique to your viewers. What software and hardware will you need to get started? Take a moment to figure out if you’ll need to step up your editing software or buy a new camera. Another important question to ask yourself, “How often will I be uploading videos?” Set realistic goals based on your lifestyle.

Picking a Name

Take a look at the top featured videos and skim through the usernames. Some are long, some are a bit generic but what you’ll find is that most are short, catchy and memorable. Thinking of a name that will stick in people’s heads is what you’re looking for. Think about your channel, the direction it may lead in the future and write down names that are short, sweet and make sense even of the direction of your channel changes over time. Once you have a list, seek out other’s opinions on which username you should use. Ask your friends and family or take to message boards a chatrooms for more opinions to help you decide.

Perfecting your Appearance

How would you like your audience to view your channel and your videos? What style, flare or uniqueness would you like to come across in your videos and on your channel background? It’s time to think about intros and outros for your videos, or will there be any at all? Sometimes it’s best to let more skilled individuals handle the more involved editing tasks. Your YouTube channel background is also seen by users from time to time. The channel background should reflect the content you are providing. Your Avatar can reflect your username and be branded with a logo that you might use in your videos.

Marketing your Channel

Once you have your channel setup and a few videos for users to watch, bring awareness about your channel and videos is should be top priority. Marketing is all about presenting your content to as many people as possible while targeting those who you know might be interested. You’ll want to create a Facebook fan page and Twitter profile. These two social networking sites will allow users not on YouTube to be exposed to your channel. Don’t hesitate to interact with users on Facebook and Twitter in-order to gain fans and followers.

The above can also be applied to YouTube. Find channels and videos that are in the same genre as yours or find videos that you know its viewers might have an interest in your videos. Subscribe to those channels, comment on those videos. Let others know by the way you comment that you know what you’re talking about. A sneaky trick is to leave comments that will almost certainly get replies. This will expose more users to your comment and to some extent, your channel. Don’t spam! Excessive commenting or comments that just say “go check out my channel” will get marked as spam and could lead to your channel being suspended.


As mentioned before, take time that you know you’ll have available. If you have all the time in the world, make a video 5 times a week, if you don’t, find out how much time you can set aside each day of each week to put towards your channel. However you do things, stay consistent! Your viewers and subscribers will slowly begin to trust and view your channel as an authority on the subject (whatever that may be.) Subscribers will come to expect to be entertained, educated, etc., by your videos on a regular basis.

It’s important to stay consistent and put out videos at the same time each week. Never let your channel, your video comments, your Twitter and Facebook page stand still. Continue to put in a little time for each component regularly. Make small achievable goals and as you pass one, set your sights on the next. Stay focused, persistent and your channel will be a success in no time.

How To Get Traffic To Your Blog From StumbleUpon

Guest Post - Our host is John Geroutis, in this post John has some StumbleUpon tips for bloggers.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog. How does Stumble Upon really works?

Stumble Upon is one of the most famous social bookmarking websites on the web, along with Digg, Delicious, Reddit and Buzzfeed. It's very easy and fun to use. You just select the categories you usually enjoy viewing ( marketing, photography, humor, psychology,sports, games, etc.) and then automatically StumbleUpon generates a page you might like each time you click Stumble. Whenever you click the like button on a page you stumble, then that page will gain more chances to be viewed by other StumbleUpon users. Consequently, getting your page stumbled and liked by several users will dramatically increase your pageviews. That's how StumbleUpon works, in general.

StumbleUpon as a traffic generator.

If you intend to use StumbleUpon as a traffic generator for your blog/website, then it's vital to place a widget near your posts which enables your readers to stumble it and share it with others. I can tell you that just 20 stumbles can generate hundreds or even thousands of page views to your website if its content is appreciated by the other users. Also, this traffic can last for days and that's a great way to boost a specific post or product you might want to promote. A big advantage that StumbleUpon offers is that you are happy to receive organic traffic which really is concerned about your content. The users are only directed to pages they like, so the chances that your page will be appreciated is really high. Moreover, StumbleUpon is considered even better from Digg, since it's really easier to get traffic. Digg can prove useful only if you get many votes and move up a lot on the list of the website. (and that's impossible, especially for beginners.)

10 tips to maximize the traffic you can get from StumbleUpon.

  • When you submit a page of your website, make sure to include many tags so that the chances you will be picked will be higher.
  • Your tags will need to be completely relevant to your niche and your post's keywords.
  • The better your content, the higher the chances your post will be liked by a stumbler.
  • It's really likely that a user might leave your page fast if you are not able to draw his attention. So, make sure to have an appealing design and not a page with just plain text.
  • When you get stumbled, you want the user to stay to your page and visit you again in the future, so always include subscription options.
  • Ask some of your friends to like your page. Even from several likes the word will spread and the pageviews will go up.
  • Communicate with other StumbleUpon users. Follow their profile, build a solid connection and they will sooner or later prove useful.
  • Below your posts include a share-it widget and ask your readers politely to stumble your page if the enjoyed it. Urge is needed sometimes.
  • Use the paying system of StumbleUpon. You get to advertise your pages for a starting price of just 0.05$ for each visitor. There are also the options of 0.1$/ visitor and 0.25$/visitor which include bonus features.
  • Organize your StumbleUpon profile and make it appealing and friendly. You will ultimately end up with more followers and traffic.

If you are not already using StumbleUpon, then you are definitely losing a lot of traffic. I can tell you that it has helped me a lot to promote my blog and specific posts I have selected, and it will work for you as well.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

WiFi Hacker (2013) for Android

Wi-Fi hacker is the ideal app that simulates gaining access to Wi-Fi networks.If you found a network and you need to know its password this is the ideal app for you. In a few short steps by running an automated script the app will reveal the password.

★ ★ ★ FEATURES ★ ★ ★
✓ WEP/WPA/WPA2 hacking abilities
✓ intuitive interface
✓ easy to run automated scripts
★ ★ ★ TIPS ★ ★ ★
✓ Choose the network you want to crack by selecting it from the list.
✓ Press the crack button to hack the network of choice.
✓ In the next window press -start- to begin hacking the network.
✓ An automated script will be run, accompanied by step and progress description.
✓ You can cancel it at any point by pressing the -cancel- button.
✓ Once the hacking is complete the password is revealed.
✓ You can scroll the -mobile console- to see the contents and progression of the script.
✓ To pause the automated script just enter the main menu.

This is only a prank app. Any unpermitted hacking of a network with a real app would be illegal. This is just an elaborate prank app that will give you random passwords and the occasion to fool your friends.

This app will add a few search access points on your device. If you do not want to use this new search page, you can either ignore it or delete it. If you do use it, we get a few cents and it will help us a lot to keep developing more apps. If you don’t, you can delete it and no harm is done (our app remains the same, no need to uninstall it!). Thank you.
All permissions added are completely harmless and at no point do we collect or store any personal information! You can read about them here

This app requires additional libraries. Nothing to worry about ! A service called Ministro will download the necessary Qt libraries ( 20 MB ) and install them for you. These libraries will be downloaded once and used by every future Qt app you will install.
The video is made by a fan.
Become a fan on Facebook:

App Screenshots

Thursday, 6 December 2012


We receive many emails asking us how to hack facebook passwords, so we created this 
 blog to share it with you automatically. We use various exploits we have found in the servers to enable us to get access to any account

Please note that this will not work for any staff, moderator or admin accounts. We are a team of hackers and professional programmers with over 15 years experience. We run many discussion forums and IRC channels, some are private and some are public. 

Send us an email if you are interested in finding out more. We can much more to offer so if you need help with anything else, contact us today and we'll be pleased to assist you.

Be careful, there any many hacking websites that which charge you hundreds of dollars just to hack a facebook password. These are nearly all scam sites or contain viruses that will steal your own password when you download. This is why we do not charge you a fee and what so ever, so you know it's safe. If you have any problems at all, please don't hesitate to contact us, we're here to help! Let me show you something in case you still don't believe me, watch this testimonial:

Enough of this testimonial I think, just in case you are still in doubt, but remember I lose nothing if this not interest you. So what this tool can do:

  • give access to account profile
  • access picture for the account
  • delete the account
  • hijack account
  • can post anything on the account
  • no limitation to any normal feature of Facebook

Hacking is fun, this is one of our team great creation, ENJOY!!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Universal Driver 100000 Computer All Driver Free Download

100,000 Universal Drivers for all types of motherboards & devices. Contains an DVD Images. Just pop the Universal Driver CD OR Select Driver Folder and Windows will automatically search the comprehensive drivers. Contains drivers for over 100,000 hardware components from brands such as Dell, HP, Compaq, IBM, Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, as well as hardware component manufacturers Intel, 3Com, VIA, nVidia, ATI, SoundMax, and many more!

 Download Both files
 Create New Folder
 Extract both files in this Folder

Download Part 01
Download Part 02